Fotland Mølle 2015. Pictures painted on canvas and on the ‘doll’ I have written extracts from Rihanna’s song ‘Shine Bright like a Diamond’. The necklace ‘Diamond’ is made of steel by a cnc-company.
Fotland Mølle 2015. Letters on wooden objects. A concrete table with the words ‘This is life’. The rectangle pictures are all acrylic glass monted on a wooden plate.
Fotland Mølle 2015. Picture painted and calligrapy letters written on canvas and then the picture has been transferred to an aluminium plate.
Fotland Mølle 2015. Print inspired from Arne Garborg’s book Haugtussa.
2015 – Fotland Mølle solo Exhibition ‘Playing With Letters’.
2005 – Oslo Rådhus collective Exhibition ‘ Colours in white’.
2003 – Fotland Mølle collective calligraphy Exhibition.