
Welcome to my Exhibition ‘Playing With letters’

The Exhibition opens Sunday 20th September at 12:00 at Fotland Mill(5 km from Bryne, 1 km from Time Church).

The Exhibition will be conducted by Sigbjørn Reime. Song by Hilde Selvikvåg.

The Exhibition will be open the following Sundays from 12:00-16:00.

20/9 – Vernissage at 12:00.
27/9 – 13:00-15:00 Hunting letters and ‘Gråtass’ tractor for the little ones.
4/10 – 13:00-15:00 Bring your old Pocket book and we will play With it.
11/10 – 13:00-15:00 Hunting letters and ‘Gråtass’ tractor for the little ones.
18/10 – 13:00 Concert by Signe Iren S. Time. Tickets can be preordered at mail:

Be aware that you have to pay a small entrance fee to Time Kommune, who runs Fotland Mill.
You can buy coffee, juice and small pancakes at Fotland Mill.
You need to pay with cash no terminal.

Bilder fra utstillingen fra Fotland Mølle 2015 er tatt av Frank Andresen. Hjemmesider er utviklet av kinfizz.